About Me

For the love of a story. 

I have LOVED reading since I was around six years old. I can't say that for sure without calling my mom and asking her though so you will just have to take it with a grain of salt. I've gone through all sorts of stages when it came to what I liked to read. I think my first book addiction was the Sweet Valley High series. From there, with my parents strong guidance, I started reading Christian Fiction and when I was finally more capable of choosing my own books, I moved on to the romance genre.

These days, my tastes in books is more varied. I still read romance novels and all sorts of them! Paranormal, fantasy, historical, contemporary....if it catches my eye (or my ear), I am usually willing to give it a try. I also enjoy memoirs, some non-fiction, biographies and I just recently began getting into the young adult fiction genre. Sadly, I do not have many people in my social circle who enjoy reading quite as much as I do. Once I finish all these wonderful stories, I have no one to talk to them about! So here I am, hoping to find some fellow book lovers to share my booklust with! 

For the love of life. 

In other news, my name is Jamie Lynn, I am twenty seven years old and I live in Texas. I'm a navy wife, a full time student and own four ridiculously outrageous rescue dogs. Every day is a process to teach them to be respectable members of society and not insane hooligans. I volunteer when I can in my free time by donating time and labor to various shelters and have also taken one of my dogs to nursing homes to visit with the elderly. Along with books, I also have an addiction to Starbucks, cigarettes and, in certain company, swearing like a sailor.